
Why you should go running with your work colleagues?

Why you should go running with your work colleagues?

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30pm I can see a group of bright neon outfits, hairbands and backpacks running down the sidewalk to Hyde Park. They are laughing and chit chatting. They are co-workers who change the famous after work pint of beer for a good hour of exercise. More and more people are changing the "after-work drinks" for physical exercise.

What hidden reasons are there to change that cold beer for an hour of sweat?

We all know the reasons why exercise is beneficial for our health and probably we already have heard and read it many times. We also even noticed in our own body and mind. The list can be endless, but if we practice sport in a team with our work colleagues, the list can grow exponentially and these benefits are not only for yourself, also your company is benefited.

Many companies have already realized this and are sponsoring the practice of sport among its employees.

Although running is considered by many as an individual sport, but a running group has many advantages, which is why many runners choose to run with someone else, but ... why running with our work colleagues? I can think of several reasons that may encourage you to try:

- Group motivation: running with peers can give you an extra boost of motivation, if one day you feel lazy and you don’t want to train, you have a bunch of people waiting outside the office for some jogging and cheer.

-Improved camaraderie: you meet each other several days during the week, you establish goals together, you share your successes, your difficulties and tips or tricks to improve. In moments of weakness you can find that extra motivation or give it to the one who needs it.

-Increased commitment: having a common goal, such as completing a half marathon or running that charity race. It will create common commitments and you will probably wont like to let down these goals.

-Increases performance: running in a group helps not to give up, you will try harder and run faster.

-Networking, having a chance to learn more about your work colleagues. Despite sharing a space, you do not always have the opportunity to talk to the person who is one floor up. It's another way to network within your company.

-Increases bonding with the company you work for: if the company sponsors a group of runners, they will be proud to represent their company in a competition, to be part of your team will strength these bonds. The company and the workers win, the productivity will increase and it will improve the working environment, a Win-win for the company and employee. "


Do you have your team yet?